Monday, February 23, 2009


Wow, it's been a long time since my last update, sorry family and friends!! This is one of my favorite parts of being in the Air Force, experiencing something for the second time at an assignment.  It always makes me feel like I'm finally not the new kid on the block.  Karneval was just as much fun this year as last, although this year I hung out at Chuck and Amber's house and it was AWESOME!!  I got to see all my neighbors who were in the parade and each one ran up for a hug and then stuffed my pockets with little bottles of liquor and candy.  I am always amazed at just how much candy is thrown and how much alcohol is drunk.  Plus, Chuck and Amber let all the parade members use their bathroom so we had a steady flow of vikings, musketeers, ducks, and pirates parading through the house and hanging out with our group.
Tate was so cute, once he got settled he just sat still and waited for them to come to him!  He was totally surrounded by candy when it was all said and done and got upset when we had to put in in my candy bag because his was full:)

These ducks were so drunk and just continued drinking.  It is absolutely amazing to me to watch these young teenagers drinking and staggering along the parade path, you can see a definite age line of the participants.

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